Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Queen of.... what??

I started out my day by hitting the top of our trash can repeatedly, resulting in a broken lid. It should have closed when I wanted it to.

I suppose the anger came from my disappoinment at the way the prior night had gone. But I learned a valuable lesson on my quest to becoming the Queen of Zen. Don't ever expect things to go perfectly, because when they don't, it just pisses you off so much more.

Got the kids to bed early, hoping for at least an extra hour of sleep. But then kid #1 started puking all over my bed and herself. Curdled milk and macaroni. Yum. Then kid #2 decided he wanted to eat every 2 hours. Fun. So I woke up this morning tired and pissed.

Managed to get kid #1 to preschool on time. Despite the bloody ear she had this morning from her earring and our wrestling match to get it out. Also managed to eat breakfast with the hubby, do a job interview, go grocery shopping, stop by pharmacy, unload groceries in a down pour, pick kid #1 up from school, go to Babies R Us for new formula, prepare lunch, load laundry and dishwasher, and update my blog. It is now 4pm and I still have more to do.... bathe both kids and myself tonight, cook dinner for the hubby, fold laundry, and maybe get another nights rest of 5 hours.

So what's the point of this blog? Absolutely nothing. I just like to hear myself talk. The hubby sure doesn't. However, I do want to say that every working mother out there is my hero. There is no way I could do this with a job. Of course I will have to very soon, but kudos to all you working moms out there. Kudos. You rock.

So tonight I am going to prepare for the worst. Kid #1 will probably stay up way too late and fuss. Kid #2 will probably spit up every bottle he eats and wake every 2 hours. One of the legs on my bed will probably break and I will roll off the bed in my sleep, I'll also get very sick and wake up with severely swollen lips from an allergic reaction to a bed bug. Oh, and I will have slept a whopping 4 hours. Can't wait.

I am the Queen of Zen. I am the Queen of Zen.


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