Saturday, March 5, 2011

My Testimony

"to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you" 1peter 2:9

Before I was baptised I was asked to share my testimony. Here is what I shared:

1. What was my life like before I met Jesus:
A seed was planted in my soul many years ago. I knew it was there but I didn't nourish it, nor did I ever pay it any attention at all. I kept living my life as I wanted to, I was in the pursuit of happiness. I wanted to get married and have a family. Yet, I was struggling to find it in places it didn't exist. There was a voice in the back of my head that would scream at me sometimes... "You know this isn't where your life should be!" But I ignored it and kept pushing. I was certain I could force my life in the direction of happiness by going the opposite way. Shockingly, it didn't work. I wasn't happy even though I was doing everything I wanted to. It wasn't until I was so disgusted and beaten down from disappointment, that I realized the battle I was fighting had no cause.

2. How I realized I needed Jesus:
I questioned myself on why I wanted to swim against the current so badly. I knew in my heart that I was pursuing a life that wasn't what God had planned for me. And I honestly thought I could ignore that voice and find happiness where I wanted it to be. I realized I needed Jesus when I looked in the mirror and saw how empty my life was. I needed help and direction.

3. How I committed my life to Jesus:
The seed that had burrowed itself deep inside of me years ago was still there, waiting patiently. I ignored it and left it idle until the day I relinquished control of my life to Jesus. Then I began to nurture and water the seed. The day it broke the surface and bloomed into a bright flower was February 20th, 2011. The day I was baptised.

4. The difference Jesus has made in my life:
I feel a calm that wasn't there before. And I feel His warmth on me. Even when I'm struggling and fighting to make it through, even then it feels different, like my fights now have a purpose. That purpose is to reveal a message God wants to get to me through hardship. Before, it was just an endless and pointless battle for nothing. Once I stopped running and listened, He showed me where to find my family. And He blessed me with two magnificent angels to watch over, Mackenzie and Liam.

I hope someday my husband will start to water the seed waiting inside of him. The pastor at our church told me, "Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives." 1Peter 3